Saturday, February 20, 2010

Festival deadline brings focus

Wind, Water and Light has recently moved to Lincoln Square in Urbana and has graciously offered to host me again for this year's Boneyard Arts Festival. I need the deadline of an upcoming show in order to make the time to paint and draw. These two pieces are making progress, but still have a ways to go. The painting on the left is a close-up of Soar that should be finished before April 15. The one on the right is a colored pencil drawing. I hope to enter it in a competition by March 31. Fortunately, it is much closer to completion. The major theme of the current work is dancers. Another wider view of Soar is shown below. 

It seems like the best way I have found to stay consistent in an area is to commit to an event. Without the event deadline as a goal, I tend to procrastinate. Do you have the save problem? Your feedback is welcome.