Sunday, December 6, 2009

More Revisions

The world of digital art gives many new opportunities. One of which is endless revisions. Sometimes that be a curse, but at other times a blessing. I like the revisions that I made to some art last night. As I was making an adjustment to the image at top for an entry in the Boneyard Arts Festival ( I darkened the background to increase dramatic lighting), it occurred to me that there was a way to improve my Joy of Dance image. Why not turn her shorts into a more elegant gown. With some skill in Photoshop, I was able to accomplish that fairly easily. That subtle change really improved the image a lot (in my opinion). What do you think? You can click on each image to see it larger.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Slow and Steady

I'm finally beginning to add some color even though I have more grisaille to do on the leading leg and the wings. I'll work on the wings next and then begin work on the sky. I'll go straight to color on the sky.
My goal is the have this completed by April. So my winter will be spent in my nice, warm studio painting a beautiful sky.